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Massachusetts Orchid Society

Orchid Estate Sale - Larch Hill Orchids

  • 21 Jun 2014
  • 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • 52 Jeffrey Lane, Amherst MA

William Hutchinson, longtime Amherst Orchid Society member and owner of Larch Hill Orchids in Amherst MA passed away this past February. The many orchids filling his greenhouse, those on racks outside, as well as orchid supplies are for sale. Although there is no plant listing for the sale, here is some info from the Larch Hill website:

"We are the best Western Massachusetts source for miniature orchid species of South America and Asia.

  • We have many hybrids such as Iwanagara, Brassovola and mutigenerics.
  • Species from South America such as Sophronitis species, Capanemia and miniature Maxillaria are among the small outstanding and colorful Miniature species we have available. Unusual Asian species include Oberonia, Spathoglottis and Dendrobium platycaulon.
  • At the greenhouse we may often have a selection of unusual genera such as Sophronitella violacea.
  • We also have a selection of hardy native species such as Lady Slippers for fall and spring planting and Rattlesnake Plantain."

The sale is Saturday, June 21, 2014 from 1-4 p.m.

52 Jeffrey Lane, Amherst MA.

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