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Massachusetts Orchid Society

Holiday Party

  • 14 Dec 2010
  • 7:00 PM
  • Arlington Seniors Center, 27 Maple St, Arlington, MA
Holiday Party

The meeting starts earlier than normal at 7:00.

Bring your plants as there will be a show table!

The society will provide ham and turkey, the board will bring soft drinks but please bring the following according to last name:

Salad  A – F

Dessert G – L

Appetizer M – Z

If you have a signature dish, please feel free to bring that, even if it deviates from the last name list.... Please consider arriving a little early (6:30-ish) to help set up.

Also, we will need a little help at the end with cleaning up. With many hands, there will be light work....

Thanks to all who have helped so far with this
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