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Massachusetts Orchid Society

IPA Focus on Phals Day at NHOS

  • 10 Sep 2016
  • 8:30 AM - 3:00 PM
  • Bedford Old Town Hall, 3 Meetinghouse Rd, Bedford NH

In conjunction with the monthly New Hampshire Orchid Society meeting, the International Phalaenopsis Alliance (IPA) is pleased to present a great Speakers’ Day, Focusing on Phalaenopsis.

For our 2016 meetings, we’ve invited Rob Shepard, owner of Sapphire Dragon Orchids and Dr. Yin-Tung Wang, Consultant & Adjunct Professor at Texas A&M University. 

Rob will bring us all up to speed on his coerulea-focused breeding program in his quest for a true blue Phalaenopsis. 

Carri Raven-Riemann will finish the morning session by bringing everyone up to speed on the newest directions in breeding seen at the recent 2016 Taiwan International Orchid Show and several nurseries in Taiwan.

Dr. Wang will share invaluable culture information with an eye to helping us achieve the best from our Phalaenopsis.  

As always, Daryl Yerdon, owner of Kelley's Korner Orchid Supply will be the vendor for all your orchid supply needs.

Registration deadline is August 30, 2016. Register online here:

NHOS members, please register for free online.

Non-NHOS members may register online to pay the $15 registration fee. If you prefer to pay by check, please send it to arrive no later than August 27, 2016 to:

P.O. Box 5375
Manchester NH 03108 

IPA website:


8:30 - 9:15 am

Morning Refreshments & Sales Tables Open 

9:30 - 10:15 am
Rob Sheppard
Got the Blues? Coeruleas to the Rescue!

10:30 - 11:15 am
Carri Raven-Riemann
Happiness Is: Exciting New Directions in Breeding

Mini Auction (to raise funds for future meetings)

11:45 - 12:45 pm
Lunch Break & Sales Tables Open

12:45 - 1:30 pm
Review of the Show Table

1:30 - 2:15 pm
Dr. Yin-Tung Wang
Tips to Get the Best from your Phals in the Home

2:15 - 2:45 pm
Roundtable Discussion with the Speakers

For Vendor Pre-Order Lists-Please mention "IPA Regional Pre-Order" in subject line:
PRE-ORDER LIST - General - Fall 2016.pdf

Kelley's Korner Orchid Supplies:

  • 10% off pre-orders placed by September 8. 
  • Use coupon code IPA2016 at checkout. 
  • We will have a limited selection of supplies for sale so pre-orders are highly encouraged so that we can bring the supplies you'll be looking for. 
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