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Massachusetts Orchid Society

April Meeting - Francisco Miranda - Miranda Orchids

  • 12 Apr 2022
  • 7:30 PM
  • SOI 117 Swanton Street Winchester


Francisco Miranda

A taxonomist, naturalist and orchid grower, Francisco travels extensively in the U.S. and internationally speaking at orchid-related events and meetings. He has been doing this since 1988, while still living in Brazil. The subjects of his presentations reflect Francisco's extensive travels to study orchids in their natural environments. 

Miranda Orchids is own by Maria Cristina and Francisco Miranda, both born in Brazil and living in the U.S.A. since 1999.

Francisco will speak about the interior of Brazils' Orchid Habitats.

This presentation depicts dry Central Brazil and goes to the interior mountains where most rupicolous orchids are found.  Francisco’s presentations are purely habitat, and as such, are the result of lots of travel and will also give you a good idea of what Brazil looks like.

Pre-order List Download

10% Discount and No Shipping Charges with pre-orders by March 26th! 


'First come, first served' pre-ordering to be delivered to the April meeting. Please email request and if available, payment expected at meeting.

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