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Massachusetts Orchid Society

October meeting - Bob Winkley, AOS Judge will discuss: About clerking, what the judges look for in ribbon judging and how that compares with actual AOS judging

  • 11 Oct 2022
  • 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM
  • SOI 117 Swanton Street Winchester

In preparation for our Annual Show and Sale, Bob Winkley will speak about Clerking, a Judge's perspective of ribbon judging and actual AOS Judging.  Bob, a long term AOS Judge, has been an MOS member since the late 1980's and is currently the Chair of the Northeast Judging Centers (Boylston, MA and New Jersey).   Our show is the following week...making Bob's presentation very timely. 

The showtable committee requests that you please get your plants on the showtable by 7:00 PM.

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