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Massachusetts Orchid Society

Annual Holiday Party

  • 13 Dec 2022
  • 6:30 PM - 10:00 PM
  • SOI - 117 Swanton Street Winchester, MA

Registration is closed

The Massachusetts Orchid Society welcomes you to our member-exclusive Holiday Party. 

Please join your fellow members for a fun night, including a silent auction, potluck dinner, and an awards ceremony.

Ham & Turkey will be provided by the MOS, and there will be a cash bar available.

There will be no show table, but please bring your flowering plants for a centerpiece on your Table.

Cash bar opens at 6:30!

SOI Building opens at 6:00pm

Event is a potluck with the following assignments:

Last initial:

A-H Desserts
I-P Appetizers or Salads
Q-Z Side Dishes
or your favorite main dish!

Auction Catalog Here!

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