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Massachusetts Orchid Society

Orchidarium Set-Up and Culture - Sasha Crotty

  • 11 Feb 2014
  • 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM
  • Sons of Italy, 117 Swanton St, Winchester, MA

Love those teeny, tiny, gem-like miniature orchids but don't know where to start? MOS President Sasha Crotty to the rescue! You've seen her treasures on our show table and in MOS displays at local orchid shows; Sasha will talk about her experiences with growing orchids in an orchidarium.

Learn about the tools needed to set up a tank, challenges faced with growing in enclosed environment and practical tips

Also, your plants are needed! NHOS and Amherst OS shows are the next two weekends in February. Please help us set up the NHOS display by bringing plants to Tuesday's MOS meeting. Plants still in bloom can also be used for the Amherst show. All plants must be pest and disease free. Thanks in advance!

Monthly meeting starts at 7:30 p.m. Coffee and socializing at 7 p.m.

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