Jason Fischer works and helps manage Orchids Limited in Plymouth, Minnesota USA with his father Jerry Fischer. Orchids Limited opened in 1978 in Minnetonka in a small retail greenhouse off of Highway 12. In 1983, Orchids Limited moved to Plymouth where they have grown into a mid-sized operation of 4 greenhouses with 15,000 square feet of growing space, a shade house, and laboratory.
Jason has had a life-long education in orchids mainly from the opportunity to be raised in a family orchid business. Jason’s educational interests were strongly influenced by Japan. He studied the Japanese language and culture for 6 years in high school and at the University of Minnesota. Jason lived in Kyoto, Japan from 2001 to 2003, and upon return decided to import Japanese orchid species and add a new niche to the business.
Having worked for his father since the age of 5, Jason has learned the orchid world from the business and hobbyists perspective. He took interest in orchid hybridization and lab work around 14 years of age, and first started breeding with phalaenopsis, which later on lead to paphs, phrags and miscellaneous hybrids.
Jason’s first lecture on Neofinetia falcata at the Minnesota Orchid Society in 2004 was the kick-off for an amazing journey of lectures across America and Canada. He has a passion for orchids, and the communication skills he developed in Japan as an English teacher have helped him create interesting lectures that won’t put the audience to sleep.
Jason enjoys photographing orchids in situ, and has photographed orchids in situ in Japan, North America, Singapore, Malaysia and Western Australia.
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